

湖南农业大学作物学博士后科研流动站2020年博士后招聘公告(Postdoctoral Recruitment Announcement of
























联系人:周仲华  唐文帮





Crop science of Hunan Agricultural University was founded in 1926. In 1951, it was affiliated to the Department of Agronomy of Hunan Agricultural University. Crop science is a first-class construction discipline in China during the 13th Five Year Plan of Hunan Province, and a key discipline with distinctive advantages in the 12th Five Year Plan of Hunan Province. Crop cultivation and farming system, a  secondary discipline of crop science,is a national priority discipline of China. In the fourth round of disciplinary assessment of the Ministry of Education, crop science is graded as B+ discipline, ranking in the top 10-20% of China. Crop science is the main supporting discipline for three global top 1% disciplines in ESI rankings of agricultural science, namely, agricultural science, plant and animal science, and environment / ecology. Over the years, the research of crop science on the modern production of South China multi-cropping system has developed five stable research fields: Crop Genetic Breeding and Germplasm Innovation, Crop Physiological & Ecology Cultivation Technology, Crop Seed Science and Technology, Crop Multi- cropping System Theory and Technology, and Intelligent Agricultural Science and Engineering.

Postdoctoral station of Crop science was established in 1995 with the approval of China’s Ministry of Personnel and also the first postdoctoral station in provincial universities of Hunan Province. Crop science has a strong team of postdoctoral cooperation tutors with academic leaders and discipline leaders as the main sources. In order to achieve the goal of building crop science into a first-class discipline in China, in the next five years, School of Agronomy of Hunan Agricultural University will focus on building a full-time postdoctoral research team, with postdoctoral researchers as the main source of new faculty. Young talents at home and abroad are sincerely welcome to join us!

Recruitment Field

Five stable research fields of crop science: Crop Genetic Breeding and Germplasm Innovation, Crop Physiological & Ecology Cultivation Technology, Crop Seed Science and Technology, Crop Multi- cropping System Theory and Technology, and Intelligent Agricultural Science and Engineering.

10 full-time postdoctors will be recruited in 2020 to satisfy the research needs of discipline team,.

Application Requirements

The candidate should have

1. Good communication skills and team cooperation, willing to further crop science, less than 35 years old;

2. PhD of the past three years in crop sceince, biology, or other related disciplines;

3. More than one research paper published in academic journals above JCR2 level as the first author in the past three years;

4. Excellent performances in English listening, speaking, reading and writing, and Chinese writing.

Welfare Treatment

1. Not less than 500000 Yuan of Two-year total income;

2. Postdoctoral management conducted in accordance with the same requirements of the school staff for postdoctoral fellow when they are in the postdoctoral station;

3. Reward of scientific achievements for full-time postdoctoral fellow in service duration in accordance with the regulations and principles of HUNAU and School of Agronomy;

4. Registration in HUNAU for the household of the full-time postdoctoral fellow, benefits for his/her children in the care and enrollment treatment of university's staff's children;

5. Priority passage to the evaluation of the professional and technical title for full-time postdoctoral fellow in HUNAU;

6. Admission to HUNAU for postdoctoral fellow who meets the requirements of introducing talents, and enjoyment of corresponding personnel treatment and staffing.

Application Method

Please send your resume (including education experience, research experience and published papers), representative papers and research intention to the recruitment email of zhouzhonghua1976@hotmail.com.

Please indicate "name + postdoctoral station + postdoctoral" as the subject of the email. The application materials include:

Appendix 1: Post Doctoral Application Form of Hunan Agricultural University

Appendix 2: Copy of relevant materials that can prove to meet the requirements (PDF format, including academic degree certificate, treatise, project, patent and other scientific research achievements, award certificate, etc.)

Within one month after receiving the application materials, we will contact the qualified person in the preliminary examination, and arrange an interview.

Contact Information

Contact: Dr. Zhonghua Zhou

              Dr. Wenbang Tang (Dean of the School of Agronomy)

Tel:  008618229725665 ,008613974914251 ,0086731-84618076

Email: zhouzhonghua1976@hotmail.com

Address and Postcode: No.1 Class building, Hunan Agricultural University, Furong district, Changsha City, Hunan Province, 410128



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